Note: as per MoA Clayse No. XI Board of Director Sub Clause 71 "Number of Director" "Number of Director shall note be less than three and not more than nine."
Sr.No | Name | Principal Designation/post | post Hold in MSMC | Govt. Order | As pre Provision of MoA clause of MSMC | Remarks |
2 | Shri.Dr.T.R.K.Rao | IRTS | Managing Director | शा. न. कि. अ. शा. प. क. एईआ- ११२४/५/२०२४/भाप्रसे.दि१४.०२.२०२४ सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग | MoA Clause No. XII managing Director (Clause XII(76) Appointment of Director) |
3 | Shri Laxmikanth Dhoke | Joint Secretory (Mining) | Director | शा. न. क. एमएस एम सी ०५१५/पी.के.६/उ-९दि२४.०८.२०२३ | MoA Clause No. XI Board of Director( Clause XI(72) Appointment of Director) |
4 | Deputy Director | Director, Direactorate of Geology & Mining Nagpur |
Director | शा. न. कि एमएसएमसी ०५१५/प्र.क्र.१४/उद्योग-९ दि १४.०९.२०१६ | MoA Clause No. XI Board of Director( Clause XI(72) Appointment of Director) |
5 | Dr. Anil Pophare | Head of Department of Geology, Nagpur University, Nagpur | Director | शा. नि. क. एमएसएमसी-१००४/प्र.क्र.४३१/उद्योग-९ दि१४. ०२.२००६ | MoA Clause No. XI Board of Director( Clause XI(72) Appointment of Director) |
6 | Shri G.O Bharti | Joint Director, Directorate of Industry DIC Nagpur | Director | शा. नि. क. एमएसएमसी ०११७/प्र.क्र.०१०/उद्योग-९ दि २५.०९.२०२३ | MoA Clause No. XI Board of Director( Clause XI(72) Appointment of Director) |